Reflections on His Loyal Love

Reflections on His Loyal Love

"Give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good, for His loyal love (chesed) is forever.” Psalm 107:1

Chesed. This has got to be one of my favorite words in all of Scripture. It is the Hebrew word used to describe God’s eternal, enduring, relational love. A love that stays, is unchanging, full of commitment super-ceding every circumstance. A love expressing mercy, faithfulness and loyalty in action. His loyal love forms the center from which He works throughout Scripture and is the foundation upon which our lives are sustained.

Such soul enrichment happens with this word. Comfort touches. Hope rises. Fulfillment settles.

“Let the redeemed of Yahweh declare it..those whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy…they wandered in the wilderness, in a desert. They could find no way to a city to inhabit.” (vv. 2, 4)

Wandering in the wilderness and couldn’t find a place to inhabit. What an apt description for how we feel at times! Floundering in times of transition when previous places of security are fading into the past and our “something new” has not yet crystallized. Seasons when circumstances have shaken the firm foundation we were standing on and we’re grasping for something to stabilize us. Experiencing loss of something or someone loved and the pain and longing felt in the missing.

And Yahweh speaks into this place with His loyal love. Loyalty spoken in a day when that is a rare quality to find. Loyalty expressed within a culture where we are so quick to desert when the going gets tough and disappointment calls our relationships into question. When expectations from the outside pressure us into feeling like we have to be perfect to gain approval and acceptance yet remains elusive since it’s defined in a multitude of ways depending on the arena.

But Yahweh speaks loyal love right here. Right now. In our present situation. With all of our current shortcomings and incomplete strengths. In our unfinished stories and our in-the-meantime waiting.

I think of my friend who has lost her health as she knew it and fights daily to root herself in gratitude and hope. And another friend whose marriage “rug” got pulled right out from under her and is tentatively trying to put it back in place. Others whose tragic losses now mean the absence of mother, son, husband and father.

“Then they cried out to Yahweh in their trouble. He delivered them from their distresses and led them by a straight way to get to a city to inhabit.” (vv. 6-7)

His loyal love compels His active response to our cries. He leads us straight to a place where we find life. Where healing repairs our souls. Where purpose and meaning redefine our days. Where hope draws us eagerly toward tomorrow.

“…for He satisfies the longing soul and the hungry soul He fills with good.” (v. 9)

His loyal love is an anchor securing us to sustaining strength to keep going, holding us firmly in His arms amidst the changing tides of circumstance.

“Whoever is wise, then let him observe these things, and let them consider Yahweh’s acts of loyal love.” (v. 43)

It is in staring at His “chesed” beauty and giving our souls time to respond that we open ourselves to wholeness. To being healed in the hurting places. To being strengthened in confident Yahweh-centered identity. To being empowered to live in and from this place.

Those who are wise will take time to contemplate His loyal love. To sit with wonder. To push pause and allow our spirits to marvel. To intentionally reflect upon His acts of love. How did we see Him loving us yesterday? How are we watching for His loyal love to be displayed today?

Suggestion: Take some time to think through your day and ask the Spirit to show you where God’s loyal love spoke through circumstances, people or deep within you. Jot these down in a journal and spend some time thanking Him for His loyal love.

Rise Up in Me

Rise Up in Me