Free Resources


Names of God

This is part of a small group study written by Jenni for the women’s ministry at her church.  Various names of God are described and given personal application within a small group context complete with tips for leading discussion.


Finding God’s Rhythm in your life

This is a worksheet designed for the students in the Lifestyle of Prayer class Jenni taught as part of her church’s Spiritual Growth Institute.  It is offered here as a free resource that might help you discern what God is saying to you within the season you are in and to help you process how to cooperate with Him within your unique context of time, energy, personality and lifestyle.


Lifestyle of Prayer

This syllabus reflects a nine week course Jenni designed and taught for the Spiritual Growth Institute at her church. The focus of the class was to encourage a daily lifestyle of prayer. Topics covered included: the Biblical foundation for prayer, individual temperament and styles of prayer, the goal, methods, content and results of prayer, prayer in the marketplace and the role of spiritual language in prayer.


Unlimited power of One

Name Above All Names is a chapter written by Jenni as her contribution to a collaborative devotional study produced by 12 different women, Unlimited: Power of One, Connecting with God and Others.  This excerpt focuses on the power found in living from the knowledge of who God is and is offered here as a free resource for individuals or small groups.  If you want the complete 12 chapter study, click on the link to purchase it on Amazon.