

Something we long for.  To express who we were created to be without inhibition.  To live connected to our purpose.  To experience meaning in every day life.  To thrive in relationship, loving well and being anchored in our Father’s love.

Sounds ideal, right?  But is it possible?  Sometimes it may not feel like it!  We all feel stuck at times in situations that seem out of our control.  Perhaps we feel trapped in old patterns of thinking, acting and feeling.  Maybe we are facing challenges in relationships that keep us on the spin cycle.  Perhaps we yearn for connection with God but we just don’t know how to make that happen.  We are left ever-reaching yet never taking hold of.    

But what if you were to paint the landscape of your life right now with freedom as your canvas? What would you like it to look like?  A life coach is someone who comes alongside of you to help you clarify that picture, take hold of your paintbrush, choose which colors will work best and cheers you on in your work of bringing it to life!

As your coach, I will support you through a process of identifying goals, considering options, recognizing and working through obstacles and taking tangible action steps forward.  The heart of this process will center around relationship - relationship with your self, God and others. My firm belief in and dependence upon the Holy Spirit to bring about transformation in our lives provides an environment of hope and empowerment.  Together, we can discover and embrace the richness of life found in the freedom He gives.

I have been certified through Light University in Bible Life Coaching and Soul Care. I am also certified in Life Coaching Skills through Flourish Center for Well-Being and am a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
