Jenni Gilbert

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Prove it!

Have you ever been on the receiving end of this two word challenge? It can feel like a big bully push to the heart as someone pressures you to defend something you said or something you did. Instead of acceptance, there is suspicion. In place of trust, there is doubt. You are tasked with the responsibility to provide evidence to convince someone that your words, thoughts or actions are valid….that they are “worthy” of that person’s consideration.

Recently, I have discovered this felt pressure to prove myself lies at the root of many of my thoughts, feelings and actions. I feel pressure to prove I am a good friend. A smart woman. Even a genuine lover of Jesus! I can trace this theme back quite a ways and being attentive to how it has played out in my life has brought helpful awareness. But awareness is just the first step that frees me to choose a different path.

Let’s look at the One who leads us by example.

It is striking to me that Jesus, in His divinely purposed mission to express the truth of the Father’s love for the world, never seemed to succumb to any pressure He may have felt to “prove” His worth. Yes, he gave “convincing proofs” as evidence to skeptics and seekers alike in hope that they would see and believe the truth of who He was. Yet, He continually offered these irrespective of people’s response.

Jesus’ actions and words remained consistent with the conviction of what He knew to be true.

His worth lay in His identity as the Son of God. His worth didn’t walk a tight rope balanced precariously upon the cheering or booing of the crowds. Indeed, the very ones waving palm branches and shouting hosannas would later be the same ones pumping fists in the air with cries for crucifixion. He didn’t stop the donkey nor did He come down from the cross to deliver a five-point defense about why He was worth people giving up everything to follow Him. As Son of God, His confidence rested in knowing who He was and what He was all about.

Do we have to do anything to prove ourselves worthy? Scripture tells us we don’t. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us “ (Romans 5:8). Before I was able to say or do ANYTHING to prove myself worthy of the loving attention of the God of the universe, He saw me as valuable enough to love me. To initiate relationship with me. Regardless of the enormous cost it would require of Him.

So the next time I’m faced with a big bully push to the heart and feel pressure to prove myself worthy of someone’s attention, approval or love, I’ve got to remind myself of what I know to be true. If I have to repeat it over and over again to make this truth reverse all the undercurrents of proving-pressure in my life, then so be it. I want to live in and from my Father’s truth, expressed in His Son through the power of the Spirit at work within me. In His truth alone, I am free.

In what ways does the “cheering” or “booing” of others press upon your heart? Are you allowing this pressure to steer your actions, words or thoughts? What is the truth the Father speaks to you that you need to remember?